I'm a 37 year old small town girl in the heart of Maryland.
I attended school to fulfill my dream of being a teacher.
During that time, I met the man who changed my world.
Six years later, we were married in the town we both grew up in.
I am a mom of three kiddos.
I like to call myself a self-taught/freelance photographer.
My passion is within boudoir/women centered photography.
During my off season, I teach within the preschool/local county school realm
+ I rep for a beauty/skincare and a scent/decor company. Shop here
I published my first book in Spring 2020 - check it out!
I believe in God, Love & the importance of Family!
I love singing in the car, hitting the gym, dancing + traveling.
I'm a huge fan of super moist cupcakes, astronomy + walking barefoot.